
What is a Fractional Model?

All of the expertise. Fraction of the cost

Daedalus logo in a circle

on-demand access to a team with deep expertise across data, software, product

executive level execution and strategic advice at an analyst-level price point

track record of delivering business value and ensuring continuity - not like your typical contractor or dev shops

We cover so much more than the CTO function


Frontend, Backend, DevOps, Cloud, Architecture, Deployment management

Commercial & GTM

Customer Acquisition, Sales Funnel, Financial Modelling & Fundraising


Engineering, Science, AI, ML, Analysis & Visualisation, Architecture, Ethics


User & Customer, UI, UX, Service Design, Roadmaps and management

Why Fractional?

An entire department at a fraction of the cost

In-house Hires

Hard to find, expensive to hire and require ongoing management and incentives. Hard to find tech hires that are commercially minded and business orientated

Daedalus Fractional

A ready-made, self-managing team with deep strategic expertise and hands-on delivery capability at a lean price-point. Flexible start and termination.

from £4,000 + VAT pcm

Who are Fractional services for?

Hiring a fractional CTO can help you accomplish goals with more speed and assuredness

You’ve identified an opportunity

and you need to decide how to use tech, data and software to build a solution. You need to define the right tech, the approach and decide who and when you need to hire.

Your tech or data isn’t quite right

and this prevents your business and team accomplishing your goals. You need to see what the problem is quickly and deploy a correction and manage the period of change effectively.

You’re raising investment

and you need to demonstrate how your tech approach will deliver a return on investment. We also know how to manage and close funding - and we can guide you step-by-step.

You’re looking to scale your tech

and you need to analyse the costs and benefits of which directions to take. You need something which is cost-effective in the long-term and compliant with all relevant regulations.

Fractional Engagement Models

We can be flexible with our engagement models
and align to your business operations


Getting you from zero to one as quickly as possible with our combined skill sets

40 hours pcm


+ VAT / month

Get started

Key Features

Weekly meeting with your Exec Team

Advisory support using our experience to overcome your challenges

Docs with step-by-step approach so anyone can execute & agreed extras e.g. hiring help

Fundraising support incl. materials review, joining calls and making intros

Contact us to apply


All expertise delivered in a single offering, complete with usable documentation

60+ hours pcm


+ VAT / month

Get started

Startup Features, Plus

Detailed solution, roadmap and approach docs & pre-agreed additions e.g. code review

Strategic planning support e.g. review of financial models, cost-benefit analyses


The fractional model with added hands-on coding ability and deep business alignment

Includes hands-on coding



+ VAT / month

Get started

Fractional Features, Plus

Weekly (or more) meetings with your execution team(s)

Perform strategic planning work e.g. financial models, business plans

Hands-on coding across backend, frontend, data engineering, AI, ML